Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Heya this is now the A.

I think Y has done a great job on the blog and the hamster was so cutee!

Like my hamster but only different breed.

I think school and home work is really pilling up ya know.

Today there was art and i guess it was ok cause' we did mosiac.

Me and Y did it together.(But it was unfinished cause we had no brown colour paper.)

Haha i guess its kinda a lame excuse.

Just put it as did not have enough time honestly.

I know I really shoudn't say this but you see my friends got into a fight tdy.(Like Argue...)

I cannot even believe they're fighting, I mean they are so close and then BAM!! ARGUE!!

Y also knows cause like duh, were Best friends for life! (BFFL)

If you know how to add music to this blog can please comment back.

We wanna like upload songs cause we wanna do so.

Lol I'm saying it like its none of ur buisness.

Actually we really need you guys to tell us how cause we really would appreciate that.

Well gtg,

Peace Out,

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