Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hey all.

I have not posted for a long time.
Its just that i have another blog....
I hope you check it out.

Ive been really down in the dumps.
I really miss my friends.
Everyday im like sittin on the chair typing or playing the com.
You know i like holidays but i just hate it when you have nothin to do and your tummy is grumbling.

I feel like taking an ice bath in my aunt's tub while wathin tv.
It will be sooo cool.
And im also sad because Hari Raya is like 10 days away and my aunt(different aunt)just passed away.
I really shoud not say that but i did:'(
She is like soo kind and a good cook.

She had 5 children and the youngest is just 4.
You know i don't care if i say that cuz i think a blog is 4 ppl to say what they are really thinking.
just kiddin.
I would never cry in public.
(Even when you cant see me)

I usually update on the blog mentioned above soo be sure to check it out!

Peace Out,Home Dog!

Y was here!!!

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